Freely Give This Season

I just came back from a much needed short family break, its great to pour yourself into your others! This experience really got me thinking. With the 2019 lent season upon us we would like to do something truly unique during the same period. The ToneCrafters label believe that we are called by the Creator to create for the community, that responsibility is a big deal for us, so in today’s blog we are giving away free music. These songs are currently available on all platforms, so they are still of value, however, we are freely giving away the songs below to inspire you to give away a piece of yourself to whomever you want with no strings attached! Sound like a good idea?

This is for all those fans who read/discover these blogs. We appreciate you.

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Just as we prepare for Christmas during Advent, Lent allows us to set time to prepare from Ash Wednesday all the way up to the second most important day in the Christian calendar, Easter Sunday. Although we are not Catholics, we believe that this is a great way to align our hearts and minds in preparation for Easter. Personally, Im looking for more ways to give more, so keep an eye on these blogs and see what else we be giving away.


So go, hit the download link to each of those songs above. Nothing is required, no subscriptions, no social media duty, absolutely no obligations. Just download these tracks and do whatever you feel led to do. Whether you work-out to it, worship, break your fast with, share to your friends or a stranger our hope is that you do what inspires you to do.

Aiight Im Out,



Blind Beatsmith Adds Color to ToneCrafters


Let Messa Be Messa [VIDEO]